Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan

Photos Courtesy of Steven Schniers / Food Bank of Eastern Michigan
Thank You to Everyone who Attended!
On AUG 26 & 27, the Studio School put on a Bowl Building Party! Our Studio School Ceramics Studio for a weekend of charitable fun! We partnered with the Flint Institute of Art and brought 60 potters from the state to make 277 bowls for the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan Empty Bowls event (which raised $83,000 in 2022). Thank you to everyone who came and made this event possible, we look forward to hosting it again next year!
Learn more about the FIA Empty Bowls Project.