Get ready to embark on a Halloween adventure like no other as Midland Center presents a new adaptation of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, featuring Youth Theatre actors from the Great Lakes Bay Region and directed by Travis Kendrick. This imaginative play is written by Christopher Castanho, and adapted from the classic Washington Irving story. Performances are from October 27 - 29 and promise spine-tingling excitement for audiences of all ages. Midland Center will offer complimentary children’s books to all kids who attend a public performance of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow to connect reading and literacy with live theatre.
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Recent Stories
Midland Symphony Orchestra Presents Postcards Concert with World Premiere of Children’s Book, Hello Yellow Cello
Midland Center for the Arts invites audiences to embark on a captivating musical journey across the globe with Midland Symphony Orchestra in its upcoming Postcards concert on Saturday, November 4, 2023, at 7:30 PM. The evening boasts a repertoire that will have audiences of all ages transported to faraway lands. Featured guests include renowned double bassist Kebra-Seyoun Charles, winner of the Robert Fredrick Smith Prize at the International Sphinx Competition, and a special world premiere preshow orchestral arrangement led by MacArthur fellow, Tomeka Reid.
Midland Center for the Arts Presents Pulitzer Prize-winning Play Doubt: A Parable
Center Stage Theatre proudly presents the compelling and thought-provoking play Doubt: A Parable by the renowned John Patrick Shanley. Don't miss this captivating production, which will be performed at Midland Center for the Arts from October 12 - 15. Directed by Elaine DiFalco Daugherty, this Pulitzer Prize® and Tony Award®-winning play promises an unforgettable theatrical experience.