Based on the top rated animated series, the live show features preschoolers’ favorite super heroes, Catboy, Owlette and Gekko as they embark on action-packed capers, solve mysteries and save the day from the night time baddies, all while learning valuable lessons. PJ Masks Live will delight both children and parents alike with its audience interaction and toe taping tunes that will be sure to have the little ones out of their seats and dancing in the aisles.
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Recent Stories
Midland Center for the Arts presents Josh Turner
Midland Center for the Arts presents Aaron Lewis
Aaron Lewis, frontman of wildly-successful rock group Staind, turned No. 1 solo artist on the country charts, makes a stop at Midland Center for the Arts Feb. 13, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. as part of his nationwide Acoustic Songs & Stories Tour. Tickets will go on sale Friday, Nov. 15 at 10 a.m., available online at, at the Center ticket office, or by calling 989-631-5930.
Brush Off Your Tiara and Unleash Your Inner Princess
The Center is ‘giving a ball’ and one local princess will be perform a solo at the Broadway Princess Party! An iconic trio featuring Broadway’s original Cinderella, Belle, and Anastasia come to Midland Center for the Arts on Feb. 7 for this hit concert, direct from New York City. Princesses of all ages are invited to share a video singing one of Disney’s animated favorites: “Almost There” from The Princess and the Frog, “Just Around the Riverbend” from Pocahontas, or “When Will My Life Begin” from Tangled.
Telling HERstory in History
Remember back to reading your history book as a student, witnessing the portraits of prominent leaders, honored and depicted through the art form of portraiture? Do you remember more portraits of women or men? The Midland Center for the Arts is taking a look at prominent women on a local and national scale who have had achievements in civil rights, public policy, philanthropy, art and science. Seeing HERstory, the role women have played in history.
I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar!
Midland Center Welcomes New Vice President of Marketing
Midland Center for the Arts Welcomes New Vice President of Development
Midland Center for the Arts recently announced the addition of Michael Mirto as the new Vice President of Development. Mirto comes to the Center from the Detroit area where he was the VP of Philanthropic Services for the Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan, and before that the Associate Vice President of Individual Giving at Wayne State University.
Midland Center Welcomes New Historical Programs and Exhibitions Manager
The Midland Center for the Arts recently announced Jacob Huss as the new Historical Programs and Exhibitions Manager. Jacob was formerly the Assistant Curator for the Midland County Historical Society and a Museum Generalist for the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art.
Blue’s Christmas Village Returns to the Bradley Home Holidays
Starting at an early age, Blue C. M. Dingman dreamed of assembling her own Christmas village. “I’ve always loved villages, since the time I was little, watching them get assembled for department stores in holiday movies on our families black-and-white television set,” said Dingman, the artist behind Blue’s Christmas Village at the 1874 Bradley Home this December. What started as a childhood memory signifying the holiday season quickly grew into 102 hand-painted homes, storefronts, hospitals and even a cemetery.