Choirs of the Center

Midland Center for the Arts Announces 2022-23 Season!

Midland Center Connects Broadway Stars with Aspiring Actors
While sitting in a cushioned, yet often tightly squeezed chair, we all adore the talents of the many actors, singers and dancers who grace the stage at our favorite theaters. Stages all around the world often presents performers with both naturally gifted talents as well as those that are highly trained. Each performer finds their gifts and skills one way or the other, but it is no secret that there is significantly more talent than roles that often exist in the professional space for aspiring Tony Award winners. Yet, the most talented actors and singers often credit community theatre and voice lessons with developing them into the performer they are today.

Midland Center Hosts Discussion on Social Injustice
Composer Joel Thompson’s work exposes the painful realities of life in the United States for men and women of color. His powerful multi-movement choral work “Seven Last Words of the Unarmed” is a timely, visceral and moving piece that speaks to racial inequities and violence against people of color. The work features the words of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Kenneth Chamberlain, Amadou Diallo, and John Crawford. These seven African-American men were each killed by police or other authority figures.

Midland Center for the Arts Engages 109 Youth Choir Students with Live Video Rehearsal
With over 120 youth enrolled in the Center Stage Youth Choirs at Midland Center for the Arts, the Center is working to bring art into the living rooms for local families amidst COVID-19 social distancing precautions. “In these challenging times we turn to one another for support, which is why we have created a virtual community,” said Terri Trotter, President & CEO. In order to accomplish this, the Center began a series of online video rehearsals as a direct extension of the #MakeArtVirtual initiative.

Carousel Isn’t a Love Story

Men of Music Present a Christmas Concert with Sentimental Favorites (NEW)