Midland Center for the Arts Documents COVID-19 Stories and Events for Historical Archives
Midland Center for the Arts Engages 109 Youth Choir Students with Live Video Rehearsal
With over 120 youth enrolled in the Center Stage Youth Choirs at Midland Center for the Arts, the Center is working to bring art into the living rooms for local families amidst COVID-19 social distancing precautions. “In these challenging times we turn to one another for support, which is why we have created a virtual community,” said Terri Trotter, President & CEO. In order to accomplish this, the Center began a series of online video rehearsals as a direct extension of the #MakeArtVirtual initiative.
Carousel Isn’t a Love Story
Midland Center Welcomes New Vice President of Marketing
Midland Center for the Arts Welcomes New Vice President of Development
Midland Center for the Arts recently announced the addition of Michael Mirto as the new Vice President of Development. Mirto comes to the Center from the Detroit area where he was the VP of Philanthropic Services for the Community Foundation of Southeast Michigan, and before that the Associate Vice President of Individual Giving at Wayne State University.
Midland Center Welcomes New Historical Programs and Exhibitions Manager
The Midland Center for the Arts recently announced Jacob Huss as the new Historical Programs and Exhibitions Manager. Jacob was formerly the Assistant Curator for the Midland County Historical Society and a Museum Generalist for the Alden B. Dow Museum of Science and Art.
Jennifer Kanyo Elected to Board of Directors for the Michigan Alliance for Cultural Accessibility